Hello. Again. 17/12/07

Well hello.

Where to begin..? Hmm.. prehaps justify myself? yes good start meesh.

A lot has happened of late. And a lot has changed, mainly cos it's had no other choice I guess. I have managed to stupidly, awkwardly and strangely force myself into where I am now.. and I guess I'm just trying to come out ok on the otherside... where ever that may be.

Lessons learned. Friends discovered. Treasures uncovered. True hearts found. Real thoughts exposed. ETC.

Anyway, it's time internet-time was used a bit more productively. So I have temporarily sacked off facebook and semi sacked off myspace.. (have kept on the D!L!P!R! one.. due to business commitments and that ;)... [and so my pyshco streak can still stalk. oh the shame.])

So to cut this long, vague and ridiculous story short:

I'm going to start using this blog. for. real.

Uni stuff. Label stuf. Anything stuff. Things I am doing. I'll try not to nclude party pics. but I find that unlikely.

Not that I care awfully about showing anyone this, or anyone looking, and quite frankly.. I kind of don't want them to.. (but I also don't want it to be totally private..) but because I have realised my over use of the waste of time, space, energy that is the likes of facebook... REALLY just satisfied my craving to write stuff.

Get stuff out of my system.

Write things in bullet points.. y'know.. the usual.

So here I am once more. Only more productive.. maybe.

Death to livejournal.
Long live live journal!

Meesh forever!


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