London. 20/03/08

Today I went to London.

I woke up very early. Which was good. Especially as I decided to drink gin at the Rolo Tomassi/House of Brothers gig the night before. Did well.

Not many Rolo Tomassi LPs left now. Got to print the last few up next next week, when the print room is back open. I am bored of the colours though, so I think I might mix it up a bit.

Have had a bunch of people asking me about RT tapes/demos.. mental. (Buy the record instead duh).

Anyway. London.

Met with the cool kids of tent london which was good. We were about 40mins late.. eeek. They were totally cool, and had a brilliant dog in their little office. I am very excited about putting our show on at tent. But it's hella expensive. And my work is going to be crap. But I will make the marketing brilliant, and people might think my work isn't crap. This is my new idea.

Then a swift departure from Shoreditch to Islington, for the New Designers set up lecture thing. I could barely keep my eyes open for most of it, but it was very useful. And we got a sneaky peak at our space for the show. I am scared it's quite out of the way.. (mix media courses seem to be lumped with a room out of the way a bit.... hmm) so i feel this is where our brilliant marketing plan must also be in full motion. Or we just rally people up and march them up to see our work. yes? Yes.

How has this blog turned into this really?

I am going to make luke a luke pot. As t'would appear he is the only person who reads this. bar me.


I also am dealing well with feeling funny.

Go team me.


PS. left my straighteners on ALL day.. for over 12 hours. This is suprisingly it is the first time I have ever done this in my life. Didn't burn my house down or really melt anything. Don't tell Helen. Shh.

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