Pot updates. 15/02/08

Hi, Here's some more pics I've been meaning to post. Mainly of pots previously posted in progress.. and now glazed/half glazed..

White glossy glaze. Purple engobe with bought pink glaze over the top.(Potters Connection)

Worked ok. Need to get better at applying the glaze.. but ok for an early attempt. Like the dotty texture.

A final piece, based on one of my initial ideas. IE - pot with text on. Simple. Idea: tonnes of clusters of pots, different vibrant colours on inside/white outside/ text on. All different text/slogans.
Some pots no text - texture on one exterior surface instead(see pink/purp pot).

After making a couple of pots that started to get a bit too neat.. Made a quick messy one. Turq engobe.. then turq glaze.. which pinged off. - bad glaze fit? Most probably. I think something to do with the engobe (BTW engobe is in between a slip and a glaze)- I miiiight have put an engobe mixed specifically for dry clay body onto biscuit fired body by accident. Hmmmm. I reckon it was that.

Ladies and Gents. THIS monstrocity, this foul beast, this horrific accident, this nigthmare made by humble human hands, is the single most disgusting colour and colour combination I have ever seen in my life. I nearly puked when I got it out of the kiln and I nearly didn't put it up on here, as I am so embarassed. However, as it was not intentional, so it's fine. We learn from our mistakes. I should know that.

The outside should've been black, I still have not worked out whether it was a bad recipe or my stupidity or another odd factor that caused such a monstrocity. Forget about it. NEXT!

A successful black glaze! The inside to this pot is a d r e a m.
So shiney and amazing and dark. I love it. Even if the outside looks blue over the white, I quite like that. One of my fav pots so far. Neat, fairly well made for me, nice glaze, nice stripey texture outside.

Iron Spangles.
Another great word. Not as spangley as they sound though. Unless sprinkled on and left pretty rough. Which is quite nice. Don't like the effect when mixed into glaze though. Just dark speckles.. Dull. Pretty much everything I hate about ceramics in it's texture/effect etc. I want big bold bright man made manufactured colours and finishes. Plasticy. Not earthy, naturally, boring. But spangles were cheap and possibly can be used at some point for something hmm.

My glaze sketch book. Today. The studio. Uni. Nottingham. The world. The Universe. by Michelle Wood aged 22.

One Long pot. Biscuit fired. Waiting to be finished.... I'd like to see him about five times the size one day.

This is one of my best made ones, in neatness factors anyway. He's very neat and prim and proper. Which I love him for. Although he doesn't really feel like he is mine. Like a child who's too beautiful for the parents and must've been adopted, surely? Still, I'm proud I made such a neat pot. But fuck that, I'll not be making a habit of it. But at least I can prove I am fairly capable. YESSS.

My messy pot up there ^ was the anti-this pot.

On my wall.

Bye xx

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