Questions for marketing...20/07/08

Questions for uni marketing people....

- What do you enjoy most about the course? The diversity of materials. Decorative Arts is great for experimenting, I enjoyed being able to choose between a range of materials to use to get my message across. I really enjoyed screen printing whenever I got chance, and enjoyed bringing screen printed enamels into my ceramic process. Specialising in ceramics has been the best part about the course for me, specialising in a demanding and time consuming material, for such a short space of time has been very trying at times, but ultimately worth it. I have enjoyed using ceramics as a medium to get my ideas out. I have also enjoyed being a student Rep and organising and designing our final show brochure.

- What is Nottingham Trent University Like? Nottingham Trent Uni is hull of colourful and interesting people, and the final shows illustrate it is also a hubb for colourful and interesting ideas. There are a lot of oppourtunities at the Uni, some obvious ones and some which you have to work hard at and push to get the results you want. There's a lot going on at Trent Uni, and there's a lot of great facilites which can be explored and used to your advantage. Even after three years, there's still a load of facilities I wish I still had the chance to use!

- Tell us about your work/ideas behind it/inspiration.
I use ceramics as a medium to express my ideas, and though I don't see myself solely as a ceramicist, I do love using the material, glazes and enamels to express my ideas.
I also use bright, clean colours to demonstrate a different way ceramics can be used, to try and get away from the traditional stereotype of ceramics.
I love using my chunky ceramic pieces as a tool to express the ideas I have about questioning function, consumerism and beauty. There is a darker element to my pots, which isn't instantly obvious to the audience. I love seeing the reactions people have when they read the slogans on my pots. Some tut, some empathise, some people relate to them, some chuckle, others just look at them wierdly. The slogans can be taken in many different ways and interpreted into so many different things and I love that interaction with the audience.
There's quite a faceless naivety in the pots simple form, it's not obvious at first but the pots are an extension of a series of illustrations based on emotions, feelings and day to day troubles, expereinced by me and other people. There's more depth to them than first meets the eye, and often stem from a lot of raw emotion, be it love, anger, envy, jealousy, shame, bitterness, happiness. Each pot has it's own character, and the slogan emblazed on it's front is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to that pots feelings. The pots are representational of feelings and are a phsyical result of them.

'My ceramic pieces are an extension of a series of illustrations based on
shape, form and text. Their bulkiness and size questions the role of the
‘pot’ in an interior setting.
Each pot carries a sentence, which represents a section of the illustrated
narrative from which they sprung.
These pots say what you didn’t have the guts to say.
Or the things that some people find so hard to express at times.

- This year's highlight/achievement? Completeing the DART final show Brochure, I felt was a huge success and I'm really pleased I managed to squeeze the extra hours in to get the design work and organsing for that done. It felt great getting thousands of them back from the printers! I am really pleased Imanaged to do that extra work and still get a grade i am really proud of. However the biggest and most suprising achievement has been being awarded a prize at New Designers. I wonthe Pulse award, which has been just fantastic. I have won a space at Pulse 2009, at Earls Court, on the Launch Pad, upcoming talent section, which is incredible, and also I have won some sponsorship towards setting up business/development.

- Plans for the future? I was already planning on setting up a studio in Nottingham with fellow DART ceramiscist Kath Crook, so we can carry on making and don't ever stop! And now I have been given these fantastic oppourtunites from Pulse, I can do it bigger, better and faster than I was planning originally. I also have the Pulse design exhibition to work towards next summer at Earls Court and I have been invited to exhibit my work in a few upcoming exhibitions too. I can't wait to get making again and devlop my ideas and range of work.

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