Today I am going to. 22/04/08

I am about to go to a lecture on blogs.
I am waiting for grace and ruthie.
I wanted to be early in today.

I am listening to Neil Perry.
I am going to update this later.
I am going to send that email later.
I am going to chase up my glaze order later.
I am going to sort out what the hell is going on with my house later.
I am going to try and persuade Helen to go for this amazing new house later.
I am not going to go to knitting club later.

I am going to worry about what craig is up to all day.
I am going to eat a rubbish dinner.

I am going to watch csi later.

I am going to go and make grace and ruthie hurry up.

I am going to see you later for a photo update of the pot variety.

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